Degree Program: Agricultural Sciences - Agricultural Engineering (Master)
Sechs Pflichtmodule (36 Credits) sind für die Fachrichtung verbindlich vorgegeben.Vier Wahlpflichtmodule (mind. 24 Credits) sind zu wählen, und zwar aus der untenstehenden Liste, aus den Pflicht- und Wahlpflicht-Listen der anderen Fachrichtungen des Masters AW (nur bis Studienbeginn SS 2019: oder aus den Pflicht- und Wahlpflichtmodulen des Masters Agribusiness). Wahlmodule im Umfang von mind. 30 Credits können aus dem gesamten Modulangebot der Master-Studiengänge der Fakultät Agrarwissenschaften gewählt werden. Mit Pflicht- Wahlpflicht- und Wahlmodulen müssen zusammen mindestens 90 Credits erreicht werden. Auf Antrag können Prüfungsleistungen auch aus den Studienangeboten der anderen Studiengänge der Universität Hohenheim, einer anderen deutschen Hochschule oder einer ausländischen Universität anerkannt werden.
Code | Module Name | Semester | Bindingness | |||||||||||||||||||
4404-480 | Autonomous Robots (AR) for Agriculture | 1 | elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4401-410 | Energy Technology | 1 | compulsory | |||||||||||||||||||
4404-420 | Function and Management of Agricultural Machines in Plant Production | 1 | compulsory | |||||||||||||||||||
4402-420 | Livestock Technology | 1 | compulsory | |||||||||||||||||||
4403-520 | Post-Harvest Technology | 1 | compulsory | |||||||||||||||||||
4401-470 | Statics, Strength of Materials, and Materials | 1 | compulsory | |||||||||||||||||||
3000-420 | UNIcert III English for Scientific Purposes | 1 | elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4404-480 | Autonomous Robots (AR) for Agriculture | 2 | elective | |||||||||||||||||||
5604-410 | Behavioral Business Ethics | 2 | elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4402-450 | Building and Indoor Climate | 2 | semi-elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4302-480 | Courses of the Virtual Academy of Sustainability (currently only accepted within the portfolio module) | 2 | optional | |||||||||||||||||||
4301-450 | Development in Rural Areas | 2 | elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4403-430 | Energy from Biomass | 2 | semi-elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4401-430 | Farm Tractors and Self-propelled Agricultural Machines | 2 | semi-elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4903-450 | Innovations in Agriculture | 2 | elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4404-490 | Instrumentation and Control | 2 | compulsory | |||||||||||||||||||
4404-470 | Landscape Conservation, Municipal and Forestry Technology Seminar | 2 | elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4404-460 | Landscape Conservation, Municipal, and Forestry Technique | 2 | semi-elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4405-430 | Methods of Precision Livestock Farming | 2 | semi-elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4402-460 | Pollution Control and Site Evaluation | 2 | semi-elective | |||||||||||||||||||
3000-410 | Portfolio Module (Master) | 2 | elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4404-520 | Precision Farming | 2 | semi-elective | |||||||||||||||||||
3301-430 | Scientific Advances in Fertilization and Crop Nutrient Supply | 2 | elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4404-510 | Testing Methods of Agricultural Engineering | 2 | elective | |||||||||||||||||||
3400-410 | Three-Dimensional Modeling of Plant Architecture and Function | 2 | elective | |||||||||||||||||||
3000-420 | UNIcert III English for Scientific Purposes | 2 | elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4404-410 | Automation of Agricultural Processes | 3 | semi-elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4302-480 | Courses of the Virtual Academy of Sustainability (currently only accepted within the portfolio module) | 3 | optional | |||||||||||||||||||
4403-560 | Irrigation Technology | 3 | semi-elective | |||||||||||||||||||
5604-520 | Management Ethics | 3 | elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4402-480 | Milking Technology and Milking Systems | 3 | semi-elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4613-410 | Molecular Biology and Data Analysis in Microbiology | 3 | elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4613-410 | Molecular Biology and Data Analysis in Microbiology | 3 | elective | |||||||||||||||||||
3000-410 | Portfolio Module (Master) | 3 | elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4403-420 | Renewable Energy | 3 | semi-elective | |||||||||||||||||||
4406-410 | Waste Management and Waste Techniques | 3 | elective | |||||||||||||||||||
3000-400 | Master’s Thesis Agricultural Sciences | 4 | compulsory | |||||||||||||||||||
Modules that are not offered anymore
Code | Module Name | |||||||||||||||||||||
4407-450 | Autonomous Robots (AR) for Agriculture | |||||||||||||||||||||
4407-450 | Autonomous Robots (AR) for Agriculture | |||||||||||||||||||||
5604-510 | Globalization Ethics | |||||||||||||||||||||
4407-420 | Instrumentation and Control | |||||||||||||||||||||
4609-410 | Introduction to Bioinformatics | |||||||||||||||||||||
4404-440 | Landscape Conservation and Municipal Technique | |||||||||||||||||||||
4407-430 | Precision Farming | |||||||||||||||||||||
3301-410 | Scientific Advances in Fertilization and Crop Nutrient Supply | |||||||||||||||||||||
4407-440 | Testing Methods of Agricultural Engineering | |||||||||||||||||||||
4407-410 | Automation of Agricultural Processes | |||||||||||||||||||||
5604-420 | Economic Moral Cultures | |||||||||||||||||||||
4301-440 | Farm Animal Welfare in Different Societies | |||||||||||||||||||||
4404-450 | Innovations in Agriculture (new Code: 4903-450) | |||||||||||||||||||||
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