Course: Economic Moral Cultures (5604-421)
- Persons:
- Prof. Dr. Michael Schramm (verantwortlich)
- Type of Course:
- lecture with exercise
- In-Class Hours Per Week:
- 3
- Contents:
The course discusses the characteristics of different moral cultures (e.g.: confucian, islamic, western and indian cultures) and the question, how these cultures shape the economic institutions (= varieties of capitalism) and the corporate management (diversity management). The course considers not only conceptual aspects ("Homo Oeconomicus Culturalis"; "Cultural Social Capital"), but also verifies - on the basis of empirical reasearch and certain case studies - the moral-economic hypothesis, that the global differences of moral cultures generate a "plural capitalism", which characterizes the global economy of the 21st century.
- Literature:
Schramm, Michael (2008): Ökonomische Moralkulturen. Die Ethik differenter Interessen und der plurale Kapitalismus (Ethik und Ökonomie; Bd. 5), Marburg: Metropolis.
- Location:
- Hohenheim
- Module:
- 5604-420 Economic Moral Cultures (compulsory)
- eLearning:
- Course in ILIAS