Module Catalog Archive

Module: Innovations in Agriculture (4903-450)

Note: Last updated September 2019. Current module catalog in HohCampus.
Degree Program:
Relation to other Modules:
This module will enable the students to better understand innovation processes in agriculture. The module will cover innovations that are relevant in agricultural engineering as well as crop and livestock production.
Prerequisites for Attendance:

B.Sc. in agricultural sciences or related fields, B.Sc. modules covering the basics of agricultural engineering; English language skills

6 credits
every summer semester
Length of the Module:
1 semester
Compulsory assignment:
Module examination:
oral exam (70%), presentation (30%)

56 h presence + 104 h preparation at home + exam = 160 h workload

Professional competences:

The students gain a thorough understanding of the following topics:
• Definitions, concepts, typologies and indicators of innovation;
• theories of innovation and innovation systems;
• driving forces and goals of innovation; specific features of innovations in agriculture;
• role of innovations in agricultural development;
• analysis of innovation processes using illustrative case studies from agriculture in industrialized and developing countries.
The students are familiar with important driving forces of innovation, such as demographic change, increasing demand for agricultural products and limited availability of natural resources. They are aware of the different types and specific features of innovations in agriculture and understand innovation processes, starting from the idea for an invention to its large-scale adoption in practice. The students are able to apply an innovation systems perspective, which underlines the role of the policy environment, the role of the private sector, and the role of social and cultural factors in enabling innovation in agriculture. By participating in excursions and by analyzing practical examples of innovations, such as precision farming, automation, biotechnology, and conservation agriculture, the students become aware of the economic, ecological, socio-cultural and political dimensions that shape the role of innovation in the quest for sustainable development.

Key competences:

• organizational skills
• self-reliance
• critical and analytical thinking
• foreign language skills
• written and oral expression
• communication and cooperation skills

Course in ILIAS


Code Title Type Bindingness Course catalogue
4903-451 Innovations in Agriculture lecture with excursion compulsory Veranstaltung im ILIAS