Course: Services Marketing (5704-411)
- Persons:
- Prof. Dr. Karsten Hadwich (verantwortlich)
- Type of Course:
- lecture with exercise
- In-Class Hours Per Week:
- 3
- Contents:
Regarding the marketing of services, it is important to take into account that services have specific characteristics, which require an adjustment of classic marketing strategies.
The need for integrating customers into the process of service provision, as well as the intangibility of services can, among other things, be considered as such specific characteristics. On the basis of these specific characteristics, consequences for strategic marketing decisions, such as the internationalization of services and the design of operative marketing mix instruments (that is product-, price-, communication-, and distribution policy) are discussed.
- Literature:
Meffert, H./Bruhn, M./Hadwich, K. (2018): Dienstleistungsmarketing, 9. Aufl. Wiesbaden.
Ergänzende Lektüre wird separat bekannt gegeben.
- Location:
- Hohenheim
- Remarks:
Die Veranstaltung wird auf Englisch gehalten.
- Module:
- 5704-410 Services Marketing (compulsory)
- 5704-610 Services Marketing (compulsory)