
Modul: Project Work (compulsory) (1500-530)

Achtung: Informationen Stand September 2019. Aktueller Modulkatalog in HohCampus.

M.Sc. Food Science and Engineering, M.Sc. Food Biotechnology

7,5 credits
jedes Semester
Dauer des Moduls:
4 Wochen (n. V.)
Synopsis, report, presentation
Project work

210 h


The student will learn to elaborate a scientific assignment. The module is designed to introduce to the later work in frame of the master thesis. It is structured in three parts:

- preparation of a literature based exposé about the chosen topic

- experimental work in the laboratory repeating selected experi-ments of the literature (ca. 10-14 working days)

- oral presentation of the topic (15-25 minutes)

The topic of the project work is discussed and given by the head of a department (member of the compulsory modules). The supervision will be conducted by a postgraduate of the department.

The module is successfully performed, when all three parts were passed. Grades will be informally given to the student in oral form. The module is scored passed/faiuled without an official grade.


The student will learn to elaborate a scientific assignment. The module is designed to introduce to the later work in frame of the master thesis. It is structured in three parts:

- preparation of a literature based exposé or report about the chosen topic or the experimental results respectively
- experimental work in the laboratory repeating selected experi-ments of the literature (ca. 10 -14 working days)
- oral presentation of the topic (15-25 minutes)

The topic of the project work is discussed and given by the head of a department (member of the compulsory modules). The supervision will be conducted by a postgraduate of the department.
The module is successfully performed, when all three parts were passed. Grades will be informally given to the student in oral form. The module is scored passed/failed without an official grade.


The project work may be integrated into the course of studies flexibly during the first three semesters. However, it has to be completed before beginning to work on the Master’s thesis at the latest.

This module does not count towards the final grade.


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