
Modul: Exercises in Biological Pest Control (3603-500)

Achtung: Informationen Stand September 2019. Aktueller Modulkatalog in HohCampus.

Dieses Modul wird nicht mehr angeboten!

Bezug zu anderen Modulen:
This module is a good combination with "Biological Pest Control" (3603-490).

"Biological Pest Control" (3603-490) oder gleichwertige Veranstaltungen anderer Universitäten

7,5 credits
jedes SS
Dauer des Moduls:
4 Wochen (nach Block 4)
Three written papers (35 %, 25 %, 40 %)

70 h Präsenz + 130 h Eigenanteil + Prüfung = 200 h Workload


After successfully completing the module, students are able to design, carry out and analyse experiments on biological pest control in the laboratory and greenhouse. They know how to rear, handle and work with insect/mite pests and their antagonists and are proficient in conducting behavioural studies and experiments on the biology and performance of antagonists, antagonistic potential of predators and parasitoids. Students are able to set up lifetables of beneficial organisms, conduct a k-factor analysis and use molecular methods to complement morphology-based taxonomy in trichogrammatid egg-parasitoids. They are able to select appropriate species and strains them for practical biocontrol.


In the exercises, students practice teamwork, self-reliance and time management. They are able to compile experimental results to scientific reports/publications, thereby training statistical methods and generally improving their capability of exploring a scientific subject. They practice both critical and analytical thinking and reading of scientific literature, while writing scientific papers enhances their scientific articulateness. The compilation of three written papers in form of a method protocol, a short communication and a scientific paper manuscript is an ideal preparation for future scientific publication work.


The three written papers to be handed in as final examination refer to a method protocol (35 %), a short communication (25 %) and a scientific paper manuscript (40 %). The content of these assignments is explained at the beginning of the semester.
The number of participants is restricted to 12 persons until more lab facilities are available


Code Titel Art Verbindlichkeit Vorlesungsverzeichnis
3603-501 Exercises in Biological Pest Control Übung Pflicht