
Modul: Excursion to the Tropics and Subtropics (3803-490)

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Master students of the Agricultural and Natural Sciences at the University of Hohenheim. Students interested in agricultural and rural development in the Tropics and Subtropics. Applicants have to clearly show their particular interest in development-oriented/tropical sciences by having passed successfully at least two modules related to the tropics.

6 credits
alle 2 Jahre
Dauer des Moduls:
2 Semester
oral presentation and excursion report
oral presentation (40%) and excursion report (60%)
120 Minuten

56 h Präsenz + 104 h Eigenanteil + Prüfung = 160 h Workload


The excursion provides the students a guided on-site experience in a developing country and the opportunity to complement theoretical knowledge obtained during lectures with practical experience in the field. Destinations are chosen along natural and agro-ecosystems and agricultural production, livestock husbandry and farming systems.
The students
- gain a detailed and embracing insight into the natural resource endowment, the agricultural and food-sector and the related extension, research and teaching systems on-site.
- discuss and evaluate relevant issues with local research, government and non-governmental development organisations, with farmers and extension officers
- prepare presentations to selected topics related to the country of destination and its main agricultural activities
- give oral presentation
- write reports during the field trip
- combine the different reports to a joint excursion report.


The announcement of the excursion, the application for participation and the selection of participants will take place during WS 2013/2014. 18 to 20 students can be selected as participants. 6-7 preparatory seminars will be carried out during SS 2014 during which the students will prepare and give oral presentations on selected topics. The excursion will take place during the lecture-free time end of September/beginning of October 2014.


Code Titel Art Verbindlichkeit Vorlesungsverzeichnis
3803-491 Excursion to the Tropics and Subtropics Seminar mit Exkursion Wahl