
Lehrveranstaltung: Excursion to the Tropics and Subtropics (3803-491)

Achtung: Informationen Stand September 2019. Aktueller Modulkatalog in HohCampus.
Seminar mit Exkursion

The Center for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics (Tropenzentrum) organises every 2 years excursions to the tropics for advanced students interested in agricultural development in the tropics and subtropics. The excursion provides the students a guided on-site experience in a developing country and the opportunity to complement theoretical knowledge obtained during lectures with practical experience in the field. Destinations are chosen along natural and agro-ecosystems and agricultural production, livestock husbandry and farming systems. Excursions are designed in close co-operation with partner networks in the target countries.
The students
- gain a detailed and embracing insight into the natural resource endowment, the agricultural and food-sector and the related extension, research and teaching systems on-site.
- discuss and evaluate relevant issues with local research, government and non-governmental institutions, with farmers and extension officers
- prepare presentations to selected topics related to the country of destination and its main agricultural activities
- give oral presentation
- write reports during the field trip
- combine the different reports to a joint excursion report.


In consultation with the supervisors

-siehe Freitext

The announcement of the excursion, the application for participation and the selection of participants will take place during WS 2013/2014. 18 to 20 students can be selected. 6-7 preparatory seminars will be carried out during SS 2014 during which the students prepare and give oral presentations on selected topics. The excursion will take place during the lecture-free time end of September/beginning of October 2014.
