Lehrveranstaltung: Analysis and Quality Assurance in the Food Production (1504-502)
Achtung: Informationen Stand September 2019.
Aktueller Modulkatalog in HohCampus.
- Personen:
- Prof. Dr. Reinhold Carle (verantwortlich)
- Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Schweiggert (begleitend)
- Lehrform:
- Praktikum
- SWS:
- 3
- Inhalt:
The students will acquire knowledge on instrumental, chemical, and enzymatic analyses on major and minor food constituents, e.g., lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, water, minerals, vitamins, secondary plant me-tabolites and others. Students will acquire advanced laboratory skills, and analytical data obtained will be evaluated with regard to the pro-cessing technology.
- Veranstaltungsort:
- Hohenheim
- Modul:
- 1504-500 Analysis and Quality Assurance in the Food Production (Pflicht)
- eLearning:
- Veranstaltung im ILIAS