Module Catalog Archive

Module: Vegetation and Soils of Central Europe (3201-620)

Note: Last updated September 2019. Current module catalog in HohCampus.
Degree Program:
Relation to other Modules:
The module content sets the theoretical basis for the module 3101-570 Field Course in Soil and Vegetation and is compulsory for participation
Prerequisites for Attendance:

Basic knowledge in plant systematics, pedology and species knowledge of central European flora. Participation is restricted to 16 students. Students of the master courses Soil Science and Landscape Ecology will be accepted preferably.

7,5 credits
every summer semester
Length of the Module:
4 weeks (block 1)
Compulsory assignment:
schriftliche Ausarbeitung in Form eines Term papers (25%), Erstellung eines Herbariums (25%)
Final examination:
schriftliche Klausur (50%)
Length of the examination:
90 minutes

64 h presence, 2 days excursion (16 h), 30 h term paper, 90 h preparation at home + exam = 200 h workload

Professional competences:

After successfully completing the module, students can specify the main sites and vegetation types of central europe and their characterisitc plant species. Students can identify vegetation types in the field and describe their site characterisitics. They have an elementary knowledge of the plant species of Central Europe.

Key competences:

While preparing and following up on lectures and during preparation for the exam, students learn and practice critical, analytical thinking and working independently. Organizational skills are trained during problem-orientated and interdisciplinary group work. During the field exercises, students are trained in practical work and field aptitude. This includes the ability to collect data in the field for several hours regardless of the weather conditions, the ability to respond to unexpected conditions and events and strategies for data collection.


Lecture material and the compulsory assignment are in English. The exam can take place in German, but only if all participants are German. The course is explicitly not designed for bachelor students. Basic knowledge of vegetation and soil science is mandatory.


Code Title Type Bindingness Course catalogue
3201-621 Vegetation and Soils of Central Europe lecture compulsory