Module Catalog Archive

Module: Biodiversity and Habitate Situation in Marine Litoral (2102-410)

Note: Last updated September 2019. Current module catalog in HohCampus.

This module not offered anymore!

  • Prof.Dr. Otmar Wilhelm Spring (verantwortlich)
Degree Program:
Prerequisites for Attendance:

Basics in Organismal Biology and Ecology (Bachelor's degree programme)

7,5 credits
every winter semester
Length of the Module:
Compulsory assignment:
Algae herbarium, seminar lecture, journal of a team project
Module examination:
Lecture and journal
Length of the examination:
120 minutes

90 h presence + 70 h personal contribution = 160 h workload

Professional competences:

The course will give an introduction to marine biology; it will particularly focus on living conditions in the habitat of the Atlantic litoral where organisms cope with the permanent changes caused by tides. A combination of lectures/seminars will give the theoretical background for short field excursions which illustrates the situation in situ. Small projects will add own practical experiences in research in marine ecosystems.

Key competences:

Die Studierenden kennen die physikalischen und chemischen Gegebenheiten des marinen Litorals als Lebensraum. Sie erkennen die maßgeblichen Faktoren für die Ausprägung spezifischer Organismengesellschaften und die unterschiedlichen Anpassungsstrategien. Sie kennen die wesentlichen Merkmale der in diesem Lebensraum vertretenen organismischen Großgruppen und beherrschen die Arbeitstechniken zu deren Differenzierung und Erfassung. Sie vermitteln selbst erarbeitete Kenntnisse zu Aspekten des Lebensraums und stellen damit Zusammenhänge dar.


Maximum number of participants: 16
Registration for participation: after announcement via notice board
Takes place during the lecture free period between the winter and the summer semester


Code Title Type Bindingness Course catalogue
2102-411 Biodiversity and Habitate Situation in Marine Litoral lecture with seminar, exercise and excursion compulsory