Course: Biodiversity and Habitate Situation in Marine Litoral (2102-411)
Note: Last updated September 2019.
Current module catalog in HohCampus.
- Persons:
- Prof.Dr. Otmar Wilhelm Spring (verantwortlich)
- Type of Course:
- lecture with seminar, exercise and excursion
- In-Class Hours Per Week:
- 4
- Contents:
- Geographische, chemische, physikalische Faktoren am Standort Litoral
- Bodenkundliche Aspekte
- Taxonomische Einordnung der Organismen
- Erfassung der ökologischen Nischen im Lebensraum
- Kennenlernen der Leitorganismen - Literature:
Lüning K. „Meeresbotanik“ Thieme Verlag Stuttgart
- Location:
- Hohenheim
- Module:
- 2102-440 Biodiversity and Habitate Situation in Marine Litoral (Biology Teacher Program for Secondary Schools) (compulsory)
- 2102-410 Biodiversity and Habitate Situation in Marine Litoral (compulsory)