Course: Advanced Economic Growth (5208-522)
- Persons:
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Prettner (verantwortlich)
- Type of Course:
- exercise
- In-Class Hours Per Week:
- 2
- Contents:
Stylized facts of long-run growth; exogenous growth models (Solow model, Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, overlapping generations model), endogenous and semi-endogenous growth models (Romer model, Jones model), Schumpeterian growth models and unified growth models. Critical assessment of the models; Application of the frameworks to answer questions such as: What are the determinants of long-run economic growth? Which policy measures are able to affect long-run growth? ls long-run growth necessary/possible/desireable?
- Literature:
Robert Barro and Xavier Sala-i-Martin (2003): "Economic Growth", second edition. MIT Press
Daron Acemoglu (2009): "lntroduction to Modern Economic Growth", Princeton University Press.
David Romer (2011): "Advanced Macroeconomics", McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 4th edition.
- Location:
- Hohenheim
- Module:
- 5208-520 Advanced Economic Growth (compulsory)