
Modul: Processing and Quality of Organic Food (3405-460)

Achtung: Informationen Stand September 2019. Aktueller Modulkatalog in HohCampus.
Bezug zu anderen Modulen:
The students gain insight in organic food processing which enables them to assess problems connected with different steps of the food chain. They are also introduced to the differences between ?conventional? and organic food processing. Such knowledge is an asset whenever processing methods have to be evaluated, e.g. in certification.

Understanding of nature sciences like chemistry and biology.

6 credits
jedes SS
Dauer des Moduls:
1 Semester
Written exam (100 %)
120 Minuten

56 h Präsenz + 104 h Eigenanteil + Prüfung = 160 h Workload


After completing this course, students are proficient in the basic principles of organic food processing and organic food quality based on the organic farming standards and guidelines and their differences to conventional food processing and quality. They understand the most important features related to the quality of processed organic products of plant and animal origin and are able to discuss the differences in food quality between organic and conventional products based on the production methods. Students are familiar with the current challenges in organic food production and processing and have knowledge about sensory testing and food quality assessement.


During preparation for the exam and while preparing and following up on lectures, students practice time management and self-reliance. They learn and practice both critical and analytical thinking and reading of scientific literature, while writing essays improves their capability of exploring a scientific issue and enhances their scientific articulateness. Through the compilation and interpretation of information from stakeholder interviews during the excursions, students practice and improve their capability to explore settings from agricultural practice and food processing and their link to science.


Code Titel Art Verbindlichkeit Vorlesungsverzeichnis
3405-461 Processing and Quality of Organic Food Vorlesung mit Exkursion Pflicht