
Modul: Physiology and Biochemistry of Crops (3302-440)

Achtung: Informationen Stand September 2019. Aktueller Modulkatalog in HohCampus.
Bezug zu anderen Modulen:
From Genes to transgenic plants (3503-450) Molecular plant nutrition (3302-480) Molecular Phytopathology (3601-460) Molecular Plant Genetics (3503-480) Stressphysiologie: Anpassungen der Pflanzen an biotischen und abiotischen Stress (2601-210)

Grundlagen Biochemie und Physiologie, Genetik

6 credits
jedes WS
Dauer des Moduls:
1 Semester
Written exam (100 %)
120 Minuten

56 h Präsenz + 104 h Eigenanteil + Prüfung = 160 h Workload


After successfully completing the module, students have profound knowledge in basic and special selected aspects of the molecular biochemistry and physiology.
Particularly, they are able to illustrate the energy metabolism and plant metabolism. Further, students know the analogies and similarities to animal systems and biochemical principles and molecules of the primary and secondary metabolism and their structure. They are familiar with experimental methods and their significance. Students are acquainted with e.g.
- Energy metabolism
- Redox metabolism
- Signal transduction, light perception and use
- Regulation of flowering
- Molecular and physiological aspects of plant mineral nutrition
- Structure and function of plant immune system
- Molecular components of biotic and abiotic stress responses
- Molecular regulation of phytohormone regulation
- Biochemical basis of stress tolerance

In the accompanying training lectures, students are enabled to apply their knowledge in research questions and train to answer exam questions.


During preparation for the exam and while preparing and following up on lectures, students enhance their organizational skills, self-reliance and time management. They learn and practice critical and analytical thinking during the lecture and exercise lessons, while discussing about science improves their scientific articulateness.


Code Titel Art Verbindlichkeit Vorlesungsverzeichnis
3302-441 Physiology and Biochemistry of Crops Vorlesung mit Übung Pflicht