
Modul: Organic Farming in the Tropics and Subtropics (3405-410)

Achtung: Informationen Stand September 2019. Aktueller Modulkatalog in HohCampus.
Bezug zu anderen Modulen:
Having studied this module in combination with several other modules for organic farming the student will have a good basis for a profession in international marketing and consulting for organic farming, in certification or extension services for organic agriculture.

This module requires basic knowledge in plant and animal production on the level of a Bachelor-degree in agriculture.

6 credits
jedes WS
Dauer des Moduls:
1 Semester
Written exam (100 %)
120 Minuten

56 h Präsenz + 104 h Eigenanteil + Prüfung = 160 h Workload


After completing this module, students understand the basic principles of Organic Farming and they are familiar with the specific challenges of its application in tropical and subtropical countries. The students comprehend the role of certification in organic farming and the specific systems that are implemented for smallholders in developing countries. In addition, the students are proficient in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches of organic farming systems, the interactions between animal husbandry and crop production, in particular for smallholder farms.


During preparation for the exam and while preparing and following up on lectures, students practice time management and self-reliance. They learn and practice critical and analytical thinking, while writing essays and seminar papers enhances their scientific articulateness. Through the compilation and interpretation of information from stakeholder interviews during the excursions, students practice and improve their capability of exploring settings from agricultural practice and food processing and their link to science.


Code Titel Art Verbindlichkeit Vorlesungsverzeichnis
3405-411 Organic Farming in the Tropics and Subtropics Vorlesung mit Seminar und Exkursion Pflicht