
Modul: Methods of Scientific Working (for PhD) (3000-820)

Achtung: Informationen Stand September 2019. Aktueller Modulkatalog in HohCampus.

Participation in the PhD-Programme Agricultural Sciences

6 credits
jedes WS
Dauer des Moduls:
geblockt (n. V.)

56 h Präsenz + 104 h Eigenanteil + Prüfung = 160 h Workload


The PhD students will be trained with a diverse array of baselines of scientific methods. The gained competences will on the one hand support the successful completion of the individual PhD studies, and, on the other hand, deliver a scientific “toolbox” to cope with the prospective challenges approaching during their future careers as researchers.
Hence, the students will gain knowledge in the following competence fields:
- Survival strategies
- Literature research
- Scientific article preparation
- Guidelines for generating presentations and research proposals
- Oral presentations
- Intellectual property rights
- Statistics
- Job and fellowship opportunities at international level


The balanced mixture of theoretical and practical training during the module, offers the PhD student an intensive training in scientific skills. Accordingly, the key competences are distinctly related to strengthen the soft skills of the young researchers:
- To get a thorough feeling how to behave as individual researcher in the wider scientific related environment (e.g., consideration of cultural and intellectual differences)
- To be acquainted with the scientific environment as a whole with emphasizing the reflection of interdisciplinary research fields (e.g., link of natural with socio-economic sciences)
- To act successfully as a group consisting of diverse disciplines (e.g., joint preparations of presentations, research proposal analysis)
- To be able to cope with stress


see also in ILIAS for further documents

Veranstaltung im ILIAS


Code Titel Art Verbindlichkeit Vorlesungsverzeichnis
3000-821 Methods of Scientific Working Vorlesung mit Seminar Pflicht Veranstaltung im ILIAS