
Modul: Food Safety and Quality Chains (3003-410)

Achtung: Informationen Stand September 2019. Aktueller Modulkatalog in HohCampus.
  • Hon.-Prof. Friedrich Schöne (verantwortlich)

Basis is an academic qualification in the fields of agriculture or food technology or nutrition.

6 credits
jedes WS
Dauer des Moduls:
3,5 Wochen (im März)
Written exam (100 %)
120 Minuten

56 h Präsenz + 104 h Eigenanteil + Prüfung = 160 h Workload


After completion of the module, students are able to describe risky contaminants and microbes in primary production and in further links of the chain to the consumer (processing, food market) and they know tools to minimize the risks and to protect the consumers' health. They have an overview of the legislation and institutions regarding food safety and quality in the EU, in Germany and in the world trade of raw materials and processed food.
Regarding the main agricultural product groups, e.g. grain, seed legumes, oilseeds, milk and meat, they can describe the supply situation - globally and in relevant regions -, the main food safety risks and the quality grading. They are able to illustrate specific quality criteria for important foods made from these agricultural products.
Students are able to assess agricultural products as a source for many processing options and markets. They can finally analyse production chains for standard product quality and develop possibilities to make better products by sensory or nutritional optimization.


Students practice time management and self-reliance while learning for the exam and preparing and following up on lectures. The acquired knowledge enables and improves the communication between them as responsible persons in the agriculture and food industry on the one hand and with representatives in the official food and feed surveillance or of further institutions and with journalists or with consumers on the other hand.


Attendance is mandatory! If students did not attend at least 50% of the lectures they will not be allowed to write the exam.


Code Titel Art Verbindlichkeit Vorlesungsverzeichnis
3003-411 Food Safety and Quality Chains Vorlesung Wahlpflicht