
Modul: Conservation Biology (3201-580)

Achtung: Informationen Stand September 2019. Aktueller Modulkatalog in HohCampus.
Bezug zu anderen Modulen:
Guide to the application of fundamental ecological principles taught in other landscape ecology modules Introduction to nature conservation with a particular focus on Central European agricultural landscapes for other students in the agricultural sciences.

Please register online via ILIAS

7,5 credits
jedes WS
Dauer des Moduls:
4 Wochen (Block 3)

70 h Präsenz + 130 h Eigenanteil + Prüfung = 200 h Workload


This mandatory module of the MSc Landscape Ecology includes lectures, seminars and excursions. Lectures cover the theoretical basics of conservation biology and illustrate current conservation issues using examples from central and western European habitats and cultural landscapes. Seminars will cover current issues of conservation biology. Topics will consider specific wishes from students. Excursions will include visits to county, district and state conservation administrations, applied research institutions and NGOs.

This module aims to provide a sound knowledge on current conservation issues. This includes conservation issues in southern Germany that are placed in the context of global, EU and federal frameworks. Basics of conservation planning will also be part of the lectures.

Emphasis will be on active student participation and student input (mainly during seminars and excursions). Protocols from excursions and to a limited extent presentations can be accomplished as group work strengthening competencies in producing joint output.

The course is considered a pre-requisite for professional activities in conservation administrations, conservation organizations and consultancies.


Multidisciplinarity is a key competence. Students will be able to address complex problems and develop multi-scale solutions guiding the co-operation of different stakeholders (leadership qualities).


Due to space constraints in the course room and during excursions the number of participants in this module is limited to 20. Registration via ILIAS is thus compulsory.

Dieses Modul entspricht für Studierende, die im SS 14 das Studium der Agrarbiologie, Fachrichtung Landschaftsökologie, aufgenommen haben, dem Modul 3201-500 Vegetation Mitteleuropas I

Veranstaltung im ILIAS


Code Titel Art Verbindlichkeit Vorlesungsverzeichnis
3201-581 Conservation Biology Vorlesung mit Seminar und Exkursion Pflicht Veranstaltung im ILIAS