Lehrveranstaltung: Zonobiomes of the Earth and Plant Geography (2101-511)
Achtung: Informationen Stand September 2019.
Aktueller Modulkatalog in HohCampus.
- Personen:
- Prof. Dr. Manfred Küppers (verantwortlich)
- Mirjam Weiß (verwaltend)
- Lehrform:
- Vorlesung
- SWS:
- 2
- Inhalt:
- Presentation of earth vegetation in the interaction with the determining environmental factors their zonobiomes: tundra, taiga, deciduous mixed forest, evergreen sclerophyllous forest, steppe, semi-desert and desert, savannah, tropical rainforest, special type dry forest, mountain biomes (colline to alpine altitude), mountainous tundras, Páramo, pedobiomes
- Ecosystems and fundamental biogeochemical cycles
- Causes of Biodiversity
- Fire as global ecological factor - Literatur:
S-W. Breckle, Walter's Vegetation of the Earth: The Ecological Systems of the Geo-Biosphere. Springer, 2008
R. Pott & J. Hüppe, Spezielle Geobotanik: Pflanze - Klima - Boden. Springer, 2007 - Veranstaltungsort:
- Hohenheim
- Modul:
- 2101-510 Ecosystems and Biodiversity (Pflicht)