
Lehrveranstaltung: Visual Computing (6623-611)

Achtung: Informationen Stand September 2019. Aktueller Modulkatalog in HohCampus.
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Fuchs (verantwortlich)
Vorlesung mit Übung

The class is concerned with the digital processing of visual information by means of computer vision, computer graphics and image processing. It covers the following three interlocking topic complexes:

Image processing:
- mathematical basics of image representations,
- noise models and noise suppression (including morphological, bilat-eral, and non-local filters),
- selected topics from discrete image processing on image regions (e.g. photo montage with graph cuts, texture synthesis and space-time video completion),

Measuring / displaying light:
- selected topics from simple optics (esp. thin lenses and their interac-tions with light) ,
- geometric camera models and calibration, typical optical distortions and means to counter them,
- radiometric camera calibration and HDR imaging,
- measuring and displaying colorplenoptic imaging / integral photography techniques, light field rendering and light field displays,
- passive stereo,

Combined camera / illumination systems:
- camera
-illumination systems and photometric stereo,
- active stereo and projector-camera systems,
- the light transport matrix, its measurement and applications.
Throughout, the class equally covers both acquisition (camera) and dis-plays systems.


- Andrew S. Glassner, Principles of Digital Image Synthesis, 1995,
- J. Foley, A. van Dam, S. Feiner, J. Hughes, Computer Graphics: Prin-ciple and Practice, 1990,- Jähne, Bernd, Digitale Bildverarbeitung, 2005,
- Literatur, siehe Webseite zur Veranstaltung,
- M. Pharr, G. Humphreys, Physically Based Rendering, 2004
