
Lehrveranstaltung: Rural Communication and Extension (4301-431)

Achtung: Informationen Stand September 2019. Aktueller Modulkatalog in HohCampus.
Vorlesung mit Übung

The module starts with a discussion of the importance of communication and extension in rural development, esp. in food and nutrition security and natural resource management. Next, terminologies, such as extension, problems-solving and communication, and the importance of concepts for advisory work are clarified. Then, an overview on different concepts of extension is given, followed by the complex issue of situation analyses, role for extension/advisory work. Lectures tackle communication methods and media for literate and illiterate clients under the angle of intercultural communication; exercises on individual and group extension emphasise on attitudes and skills of advisors. This is followed by deeper discussions about extension approaches and a comparison of different assumptions and implications. The importance of agricultural research especially in developing and evaluating innovations calls for a discussion on the potentials of various methods in extension work. The module ends with specific aspects of monitoring and evaluation of extension programmes, as well as requirements of various approaches for the organisation of extension.

Handouts, pinboard, transparencies, posters, inputs and lectures, interactive exercises, demonstrations, group work; role plays


English reader, annually revised
Hoffmann, V., Gerster-Bentaya, M., Christinck, A., Lemma, M. 2009: Rual Extension. Basic Issues and Concepts. Margraf, Weikersheim.
Hoffmann, V., 2000: Picture supported communication. Margraf Weikersheim.


Open to external participants. The reader is available at the ASTA or can be downloaded under: (look for the respective module).l
