
Lehrveranstaltung: Irrigation and Drainage Technology (4403-411)

Achtung: Informationen Stand September 2019. Aktueller Modulkatalog in HohCampus.
Vorlesung mit Übung und Exkursion

Multilateral conflicts of water access; competition for water (agriculture, industry, municipal use); environmental, economic and social impacts. Soil functions and potentials, soil classification, soils of rain forest ecosystems, soil fertility constraints in rain forest soils, soils of the Savanna zone, problems of soil erosion, physical problems of Savanna soils. Soil conservation methods, conservation tillage systems, zero-tillage systems. Utilization problems in arid lands, dessertification, salinization. Pore system and water retention, water potential concept; the basics of a soil water model; the Darcy Law; solute and water transport in soils, basic principles of hydraulics, water lifting devices, water conveyance and measurement. Irrigation scheduling; design and operation of irrigation systems; design and maintenance of drainage systems; salinity control; field performance evaluation; sensor controlled irrigation; surface and subsurface micro irrigation; evaporation reducing technique. Water pricing, economy of water use, water rights and ownership, and water policy


After completing this module students know what the limitations and sensitivities of water and soil resources are. They are acquainted with methods for protecting these resources in agriculture. Apart from fundamental knowledge about water and soil, the diverse interactions in the soil-water-plant system are imparted and the economical and ecological aspects discussed. The students learn various methods of soil and water conservation. They are able to choose the most appropriate method among different solutions and to employ it efficiently, taking the social context into account.
