Lehrveranstaltung: Facilitation of mixed working groups (Seminar) (4301-423)
Achtung: Informationen Stand September 2019.
Aktueller Modulkatalog in HohCampus.
- Personen:
- Prof. Dr. Andrea Knierim (verantwortlich)
- Dr. Maria Gerster-Bentaya (begleitend)
- Lehrform:
- Seminar
- SWS:
- 1
- Inhalt:
Role and functions of a facilitator, design, execution and evaluation of a group working process, phases and modes of facilitation, facilitation principles, methods and tools, dealing with difficult situations.
- Literatur:
Bolliger E, Zellweger T. 2007: The art of making your meetings and workshops purposeful and time-efficient. Agridea, Lindau.
- Veranstaltungsort:
- Hohenheim
- Anmerkungen:
Non-tiered seminar room with moveable tables.
- Modul:
- 4301-420 Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research Approaches in Bioeconomy (Pflicht)
- eLearning:
- Veranstaltung im ILIAS