Module Catalog Archive

Module: Religious Education 3: Didactics (5604-710)

Note: Last updated September 2019. Current module catalog in HohCampus.
Degree Program:
Relation to other Modules:
Modules Religionspädagogik 1 and 2 of the B.Sc.-Profile Module Katholische Theologie
Prerequisites for Attendance:

Successful absolvation of the modules religious education 1 and 2 or comparable achievements; at least 4 weeks of school internship (during the praxis-semester).

6 credits
every 2 years
Length of the Module:
1 semester
Compulsory assignment:
Autonomously teached school lesson of 90 minutes and written documentation & reflection of 5-7 pages

180 Stunden: 42 Stunden Präsenzstudium 138 Stunden Selbststudium

Professional competences:

Students possess an in-depth understanding of sketching teaching religious education in vocational schools. Their know-how includes the ability to sketch, conduct and reflect religious education based upon models of general didactics and didactics of religious education. They are able to analyse the lessons sketched by their fellow students und give feedback on special aspects of observed lessons. They are in a good position to document their own lessons in a written teaching concept.


Code Title Type Bindingness Course catalogue
5604-711 x lecture compulsory
5604-712 Praxis des Religionsunterrichts an Beruflichen Schulen (mit Hospitationen) exercise compulsory