Module Catalog Archive

Module: Health Insurance & Social Security 3 (5303-540)

Note: Last updated September 2019. Current module catalog in HohCampus.
Degree Program:
Prerequisites for Attendance:


6 credits
every summer semester
Length of the Module:
1 semester
Module examination:
written exam

180 hours 30 hours lecture and turorial 150 hours self-study preperation and follow-up preperation of the exam and exam

Professional competences:

Students possess an in-depth understanding of institutional features and economic aspects of the German and international health insurance. Their know-how includes the understanding of optimal contacts in health insurance under symmetric and asymmetric information . Furthermore, students have aquired skill to analyze economic problems of health insurance as well as to understand differences to other international health insurance systems and to discuss advantages and downsides of these systems. They are in a good position to evaluate challenges and possible solutions in health insurance markets und to transfer their know-how to actual health insurance schemes.


Please visit our website for more information. Lecture and exercise notes will be available on ILIAS at the beginning of the semester.


Code Title Type Bindingness Course catalogue
5303-541 Economic Aspects of Health Insurance lecture with exercise compulsory