Module: Evolution of Plants: the Fossil Record and Importance for Earth's History (6100-030)
- Persons:
- Degree Program:
Biology (Master, since 01.10.2010)
1. Semester, semi-elective -
Biologie Lehramt an Gymnasien (Master, since 01.10.2017)
1. Semester, elective -
Biologie Lehramt an Gymnasien (Master, since 01.10.2017)
3. Semester, elective -
Biologie Lehramt an Gymnasien | Erweiterungsmaster (Master, since 01.10.2017)
3. Semester, elective
Biology (Master, since 01.10.2010)
- Relation to other Modules:
- Completion of the module "Vegetation History (Dendrochronology, Archaeobotany)" about the geological/paleontological perspective
- Prerequisites for Attendance:
German language skills
- Sprache:
- German
- 7,5 credits
- Frequency:
- every winter semester
- Length of the Module:
- blocked
- Compulsory assignment:
- Regular participation, preparation and postprocessing
- Module examination:
- Presentation one week after the course end
- Workload:
75 h presence + 150 h personal contribution = 225 h workload
- Professional competences:
The central objective is to convey the principles of palaeobotanical systematics. After the course the participants should be able to identify important fossil plant taxa and to understand the fossil record as reflecting the course of land plant evolution. Furthermore, the participants should obtain a basic knowledge on interactions between palaeoclimate and land plant evolution.
- Key competences:
Ziel des Moduls ist, dass die Studierenden nach dessen Abschluss in der Lage sind, die Grundlagen paläobotanischer Systematik zu beherrschen, wesentliche fossile Pflanzentaxa zu erkennen und die Evolution der Pflanzen anhand des Fossilbeleges nachzuvollziehen. Ferner sollen die Studierenden grundlegendes Wissen über wichtige Interaktionen der pflanzlichen Evolution mit dem Paläoklima haben.
- Comments:
Anzahl der Plätze für Studierende des Master-Studienganges Biologie: 15
Anzahl der Plätze für Studierende anderer Studiengänge: 5
Anmeldung zum Modul: Im Laufe des ersten Blockzeitraums unter 0711-8936115, Kennwort: Lehrveranstaltung Evolution der Pflanzen - eLearning:
- Course in ILIAS
Code | Title | Type | Bindingness | Course catalogue |
6100-031 | Evolution and Systematics of Plants | lecture | compulsory |
6100-032 | Ecological Aspects of Land Plant Evolution | seminar | compulsory |
6100-033 | Morphological and Taxonomical Analysis of Fossil Plant Remains | exercise | compulsory |