Module Catalog Archive

Module: Economic History & History of Economic Thought 1 (5210-410)

Note: Last updated September 2019. Current module catalog in HohCampus.
Degree Program:
Relation to other Modules:
Economic History and History of Economic Thought 2
Prerequisites for Attendance:

No specific requirements.

6 credits
every winter semester
Length of the Module:
1 semester
Compulsory assignment:
Written exam
Length of the examination:
60 minutes

180 hours: 56 hours lecture 124 hours preperation and follow-up, perperation for the exam and exam

Professional competences:

Students possess an in-depth understanding of the history of the international economy over the past two centuries. They will understand the political and technological underpinnings of increased trade, capital and labour flows during the period. Study the effects of these flows on income distribution within countries; and what political responses did they provoked. Other question to ask will be: What can explain the deglobalisation experienced in the years between 1914 and 1945? What, if any, were the connections between globalization and convergence? Between globalization and growth?. Their know-how includes theoretical models and their significance over the centuries. specific description of the knowledge and/or methodological skills acquired . Furthermore they learn how to read and critically interpret the results of econometric studies . They are in a good position to describe and interpret the development of migration, trade and capital flows in the last two centuries and understand its consequence .


Code Title Type Bindingness Course catalogue
5210-411 Globalisation in Long-Term Perspective (lecture) lecture compulsory
5210-412 Globalisation in Long-Term Perspective (excercises) exercise compulsory