Module Catalog Archive

Module: Botany II (State-Examined Degree Programm in Biology) (2102-030)

Note: Last updated September 2019. Current module catalog in HohCampus.
Degree Program:
Relation to other Modules:
Baut auf den Grundkenntnissen des Moduls "Botanik I (LaG Biologie)" (2101-080) auf.
Prerequisites for Attendance:


3 credits
every summer semester
Length of the Module:
1 semester
Compulsory assignment:
Regular and active participation in lectures and exercises
Module examination:
Klausur (75% der Modulnote); Übungen zur Systematischen Botanik (25% der Modulnote)
Length of the examination:
60 minutes

29 h presence + 56 h personal contribution = 85 h workload

Professional competences:

The students
- know the principals of evolution of the major organismic clades.
- know the major periods of evolution since the beginning of life.
- know the anatomies and lifecycles of the autotrophic organism groups and fungi.
- are familiar with phenotypic identifying features of herbal organisms.
- know the ecological role of the different groups of plants and their opportunities of use.

Key competences:

Ziel des Moduls ist, dass die Studierenden nach dessen Abschluss in der Lage sind, die prinzipiellen Unterschiede in der Biologie von Pilzen, Algen, Moosen, Farnen und Samenpflanzen zu verstehen.


Code Title Type Bindingness Course catalogue
2102-021 Das System der Pflanzen lecture compulsory Veranstaltung im ILIAS