Course: Food and Nutrition Security (4902-431)
- Persons:
- Prof. Dr. Manfred Zeller (verantwortlich)
- Dr. Kirsten Boysen-Urban (verantwortlich)
- Type of Course:
- lecture
- In-Class Hours Per Week:
- 4
- Contents:
This module mostly focuses on socioeconomic aspects of hunger and malnutrition, including causes, consequences, and remedial policies. Furthermore, some basic aspects of nutritional sciences are discussed. For this you should be familiar with the basics in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Furthermore, some previous exposure to aspects related to poverty and economic development is assumed.
Overview of main topics covered:
- Global Perspective on Hunger and Food Insecurity
- Concepts of Hunger and Malnutrition: Measurement Approaches and Nutrition-Health Linkages
- The Economic Cost of Malnutrition
- The World Food Equation: Factors of Global Food Supply and Demand
- Multidimensionality of Hunger and Poverty: Food Security-Poverty Linkages
- Access to Rural Finance: Empowerment, Participation and Gender
- Targeting of Rural Development Policies
- Food Demand Analysis: Empirical Approaches and Data Collection
- Food and Nutrition Policies
- Multidimensionality of Hunger and Poverty: Risk and Vulnerability
- Institutional Change: Access to Land and Water Resources
- Trade Policies in Developing Countries; Poverty and Trade
- The Challenge of Food Security
Through the lectures and discussion of case studies you will become familiar with the multidimensional problems of hunger and malnutrition, including global trends, measurement concepts, causes, and economic implications. - Literature:
Leathers, H.D., and P. Foster (2009): The World Food Problem: Towards Ending Undernutrition in the Third World. 4th edition. Lymne Rienner Publishers, Boulder.
Leathers, H.D., and P. Foster (2004): The World Food Problem: Tackling the Causes of Undernutrition in the Third World, 3rd edition, Lymne Rienner Publishers, Boulder.
Southgate, D., D.H. Graham and L. Tweeten (2010): The World Food Economy. Oxford, Blackwell Publishing.
Thirlwall, A.P. (2006): Growth and Development. With Special References to Developing Economies. 8th edition. Palgrave Macmillian, New York.
Todaro, M. P. and S. C. Smith (2009): Economic Development. 10th edition. Pearson, London.
- Location:
- Hohenheim
- Module:
- 4902-430 Food and Nutrition Security (compulsory)