Module Catalog Archive

Course: Introduction to the analysis and comparison of political systems (6674-211)

Note: Last updated September 2019. Current module catalog in HohCampus.
  • Angelika Vetter (verantwortlich)
Type of Course:
In-Class Hours Per Week:

The lecture provides an overview about the goals, objects and methods of the comparative analysis of political systems. The content emphasis is on the political institutions (e.g. regime types, governmental forms, constitutional bodies) as well as political processes for the forming of the political will and decision-making (e.g. political culture, elections and votes, formation of government). The aim of the lecture is to familiarise the participants with the theoretical and conceptual "case of instruments" of comparative politics and to illustrate its capabilities with examples from research practice.


Clark, William Roberts / Golder, Matt / Golder, Sona Nadenichek. Foundations of Comparative Politics, Los Angeles: Sage 2018. Dieses Buch wird zur Anschaffung empfohlen! Wir werden eine Sammelbestellung durchführen. Das Buch wird voraussichtlich 55 Euro kosten. Besteller*innen können sich dazu bis 28. März 2019 in eine Liste eintragen (liegt im Sekretariat Raum 4.98 aus) bzw. bitte per E-Mail melden: bettina.oeding@sowi.uni-stuttgart.d


The course is offered by the University of Stuttgart. Please find the dates in the course catalogue of the University of Stuttgart:
